Pickleball Serving Rules + Drop Serve Tutorial for New Players

When playing pickleball, there are some important rules to remember, whether you're playing singles or doubles. These include serving underhand, making sure the serve is diagonal, proper foot placement, the correct starting position, and only one try per serve.
The First Rule of Serving in Pickleball
First, the serve must be underhand. This means you have to hit the ball with your paddle below your waist, and your arm should swing upward. Picture yourself tossing the ball to yourself and hitting it softly from below your belly button. That's how the serve should feel. Unlike tennis, where you hit the ball over your shoulder, in pickleball, you need to swing the paddle upward.

Does Foot Placement Matter?
Foot placement is also very important. Your feet must stay behind the baseline when you serve, and you cannot step over the line until after you hit the ball. It can take some time to get used to the movement, so try to focus on using your upper body more if you tend to move a lot while serving. This helps you avoid stepping over the line and ensures that you stay in the proper position.
Where To Aim When Serving
Next, remember that the serve has to go diagonally. This means you should aim for the opposite corner of the court, not the box directly in front of you. It might seem tricky at first, but it’s an important rule to follow for the game to flow properly.

Now, if you miss your serve, it’s no longer your turn to serve. You only get one try per serve. However, if the ball touches the net but still lands in the correct service box, that’s called a "let," and you get another chance to serve. Don’t be discouraged if this happens, it’s just part of the game!
How to Drop Serve
Take note of this from pickleball.org, “A ‘drop serve’ is also permitted in which case none of the elements above apply.” If you’re looking for a way for newer or younger players to serve, this will be a great starting point. Check out the video below for a visual tutorial.
When it comes to starting position and rotation, it’s important to know where to serve from based on the score. If you’re playing by yourself, you’ll serve from the left side of the court if your score is odd and from the right side if your score is even. This helps keep the game fair and organized.
How To Serve When Playing Doubles
For doubles, both players on your team take turns serving. The first serve always starts on the right side of the court. Each player gets a chance to serve before the other team serves. So, the order is: your serve, your partner’s serve, then the other team serves. This rotation continues until the game is over.
By following these rules, you’ll have a better understanding of how to play pickleball, and it will become easier as you practice! With time, you’ll feel more confident and improve your game.